Torn Between a Conventional or Sleeper Sofa? We Can Help You Decide What’s Best
If you’re in the market for furniture – particularly living room furniture – you might be debating whether or not you should invest in a sleeper sofa. There are certainly benefits to owning one, but their placement in your home depends on a few criteria. Before you begin shopping, ask yourself these questions and determine whether you should purchase a sleeper sofa or a conventional couch.
What’s Your Budget?
A sofa bed will be more expensive than its conventional counterpart, which may not be ideal for those looking to save money on furniture. Shoppers with a strict budget may be more inclined to buy a conventional sofa and keep money in their pocket – especially if an extra mattress really isn’t a priority. However, if you’ve made room for the extra cost of a sleeper and know it will get plenty of use, you’ll be adding extra value to your living room.
Do You Have Enough Space?
Although a couch may fit lengthwise in your living room, the mattress from a sofa bed may take up too much space when it unfolds. If you know that an additional mattress will overcrowd the room, it might be better to purchase a conventional sofa long enough to suit the height of the average person rather than rearrange the rest of your furniture whenever you need to use the mattress.