Decorating When You're Starting Out or Starting Over
You’ve finally reached this point in your life- you’ve bought your first home, moved into your very own apartment, moved out of the dorm room or you’re finally downsizing after all of your kids have left the nest. The reason is yours alone, but the same can be asked for each situation, how do you start to decorate when you’re starting out or starting over?
What Do YOU Like?
First things first, find out what you like. What makes you, you? More often than not we find that people have been stuck in places where others have called the shots, you didn’t own the apartment/condo/house or your kids really dictated what you did and didn’t furnish your home with... cough, white couch, cough. Now it’s your time to shine. Take a walk, find out what colors speak to you. Pick up a few magazines and see if you really identify with a particular style. Head over to Pinterest and create a board filled with things you’d want in your new space.

If you’re the kind of person who needs to see it all in person then head over to your closest Mor Furniture for Less and check out the way we lay out rooms. We strategically put together rooms for you with full sets of furniture. This way you don’t have to imagine what a finished room will look like.
Sketch Out Your Floor Plan
Now that you’re the one calling all of the shots you can layout the room just the way you like it. Take the time to sketch it out, come up with a few ideas and keep the extras in your back pocket so you can give the room a refresh in a few months. If you’re the kind of person who needs to physically see how things layout then put those moving boxes to good use and place them around the room as furniture.
If moving boxes sounds like too much work and your artist skills aren’t exactly up to par there are many different room builders and planners online. All you do is upload an image of the room and start planning!

Choose Your Color Palette
Your color palette can come from a variety of inspiration. There are designers out there who say to take that inspiration from your floor color, others say to use a piece of art, but one of the best ways to create the perfect space for you is to use an item that you truly love. It could be anything from a favorite outfit you wear to a rug. Once your color palette is chosen work backward adding in neutrals to break up the bolder colors. Save the bright colors for the accent pieces, this way if you decide to change things up in a few years you’re not totally locked in.
Keeping Your Budget Manageable
Embarking out on your own can be tough financially. Paint is a great way to save a few bucks and really make a space your own. Include something old with your something new, do you have an older coffee table from a relative? Perfect, don’t go out and buy a new one. Another great tip in order to save a few bucks is to shop at Mor Furniture for Less, of course! We offer great pricing on sets of furniture, we don’t say “the more you buy, the more you save” for nothing. We really mean it. Purchase an entire set of furniture and get more bang for your buck.
Manage Expectations Too
Your new space is all yours and you want to showcase your style and get all the furniture you need. But that doesn't mean you need to attack it all at once. It's completely okay to add in pieces as you go as long as your basic needs are met first. You'll need a place to sleep, eat, relax, and possibly work (if you're telecommuting) so make sure to prioritize the spaces wisely. Use your budget to get what you need first and then what you want later.
Decorating your space is a process and when you’re doing it on your own it can get pretty tedious. Just remember to take it one day at a time. We’re all going to experience what it’s like to start out or to start over, it’ll be an adventure that’s for sure and Mor will be here to help!